AZB & Partners advised Wipro on its successful transaction with AmpIN C&I Power Private Limited for setting up solar captive power project and purchase of power for meeting its renewable energy demands in Tamil Nadu. For this, AmpIN C&I has incorporated a special purpose vehicle, AmpIN Energy C&I One Private Limited, in which Wipro has made an investment of approximately INR 2.4 crores with a view to further enhance the utilisation of renewable energy resources for its offices in Tamil Nadu and towards fulfilling its ESG goals.
The deal was lead on the Projects side by our Senior Partner Anuja Tiwari, Partner Mallika Anand, Senior Associate Sumi Trivedi and Associate Mohit Mansharamani, and on the Corporate side by our Senior Partner Srinath Dasari, Counsel Adoksh Shastry and Associate Anjali Sasikumar.