RBI, by its Circular dated April 29, 2022, as part of the framework for scale-based regulation for Non-Banking Financial Companies (‘NBFCs’), introduced guidelines (‘Guidelines’) on compensation of key managerial personnel (‘KMP’) and senior management in NBFCs (excluding NBFCs categorised under the ‘base layer’ and Government owned NBFCs), which Guidelines are intended to provide broad guidance to NBFCs and their Nomination and Remuneration Committees (‘NRCs’) in formulating their compensation policy. The Guidelines will come into effect from April 01, 2023.
The salient features of the Guidelines are as follows:
i. Applicable NBFCs are required to each constitute an NRC as per the Companies Act to oversee the framing, reviewing and implementation of compensation policy of the NBFC and to ensure that the ‘fit and proper’ status of directors is maintained; and
ii. The Guidelines set out principles for compensation, including the components, the composition of fixed pay, principles for variable pay, bonus and malus or a clawback applicable on the variable pay.